Time to make your ultimate hairstyle desire a reality with a hair extension program from Hairbuilders of Portland!
Have you ever wanted to try hair extensions, but the price has scared you away? Now Hairbuilders is offering a hair extensions membership which includes hair services (cut, color, highlights) at an affordable monthly price. With this membership you are entitled to new extensions as low as $119.00 anytime you want!

Stop wondering what you would look like with long gorgeous hair. Call us today for a free consultation and find out about our affordable and unique hair extensions program.

We have twenty plus years of experience and a professional and private studio dedicated to your satisfaction. Hairbuilders uses only the best quality, real hair extensions which are available in multiple textures, colors and lengths for creating your unique fashion and style.

Visit us and see what we are all about!
Call us to schedule a free consultation at (207) 536-4881 or email us [email protected]