Hair Loss Treatment for Men and Women - The Hair Builders Difference
Decide for yourself what hair replacement procedure is right for you.We don’t stop at hair replacement. Hair Builders of Portland has a “fashion forward” philosophy, so our technicians are not only hair-replacement specialists; they are also experienced, up-to-date stylists. Our experienced staff will meet with you to honestly discuss your options and help you decide what procedure is right for you. Visit our Westbrook, Maine office.
We are different and better at treating hair loss, here’s why:We feel that a well-informed client will be a happy client. During an initial consultation we examine your pattern of hair loss and discuss with you your expectations and concerns. We will explain the methods of hair replacement that we feel will be most suitable for you and then answer any questions you may have about any other processes you have heard about. Our goal is to inform you as thoroughly as we can and then help you to arrive at a decision that is best for you.

Whether you are 20 years old or 65 years old, male or female, we can achieve a result that will allow you to look totally natural and feel good about your appearance. With over 40 years of combined experience we feel we represent Northern New England’s source for the very best in hair replacement. Although we will rarely be the least expensive option available, we will most often represent the best value for the result achieved. All else said, Hair Builders never loses sight of the fact that hair replacement is a service business and we’re here to serve our clients. Technically, we always stay on the cutting edge of hair loss treatments. We regularly attend national educational seminars, and are instrumental in developing new techniques, procedures, and designs. It’s our feeling that even if you aren’t ready to address your hair loss problem today a consultation with us will be a valuable tool to possess when you do decide you are ready. Experience the difference today. Schedule a confidential consultation today to discuss how our modern, scientifically-proven, non-surgical hair replacement options can work for you.
Visit us and see what we are all about!
Call us to schedule a free consultation at (207) 536-4881 or email us [email protected]